Sunday, January 27, 2008

To be young again?

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~ Chili Davis

Today is my oldest stepdaughter's birthday. She turns twenty eight today, and has an exciting future ahead of her: she just became an RN, and starts work tomorrow at our local hospital. What a great birthday gift, don't you think?

All this focus on birthdays, of course, reminds me that we're all getting older. The milestones always make me wonder: if I could, would I change anything that's happened through the years? Would I do it all again?

The answer is always no.

I've had a pretty happy life overall (and, the good Lord willing, may there still be much more of it to come!) My life has certainly taken detours that I hadn't expected. But the reality is that every detour ended up taking me down a path that's turned out to be pretty sweet.

Most importantly, getting older has brought about a sense of inner peace that I didn't have when I was younger. Sure, I now have wrinkles and sag where I didn't use to sag... I still struggle with weight and curly hair that can be unruly. But for the most part, I am proud of who and what I am, and know a little better now why I'm here.

What about you? If you could, would you go back and do it all again? What would you change, if anything?

Happy Birthday, Katie! May your life just keeps getting better and better!

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

What would I change if I could go back in time. Hm...

I would not go out with that creepy guy Ross. Big waste of time. A player of games from beginning to end. Although he was kinda cute.

I would definitely not develop a deep and abiding love for neopolitans and chocolate eclairs. My hips would have thanked me over and over.

I would definitely not buy the "witch shoes" my senior year. Although nobody liked them I felt I had to vindicate myself and wore them all year long. Ugly little devils.

I would start an investment plan in my 20s instead of in my 40s. about a lost opportunity.

I would believe my younger brother when he said I really shouldn't pull his finger. 'Nuff said.

I would NOT drag state street with my friend Julie and forget to stop at stop signs. Not once but twice. The cop told me I could choose which ticket he'd give me. As we said in those days...bummer, bummer.

Other than that, I think I'm pretty happy with my life.

But wait...I think I'm rethinking the whole neopolitan and chocolate eclairs thing. I'm over 50. I don't listen to my hips anymore.

Lidian said...

Interesting question!

What I would do over differently - be more in touch with who I am and what I really wanted to do in terms of career. I would have kept track of my weight more and maintained when I was at a nice healthy weight in my 20s.

I would have felt comfortable standing up for myself, and done so.