Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy 25th!

Time is the coin of your life.
It is the only coin you have,
and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
~ Carl Sandburg

I met my best friend Jeanne when we were both 15 years old. It was World History class and we found it was much more fun to giggle and share stories than listen to the teacher. We loved the same things: music and books, movies and liberal politics. But mostly, we shared a love of boys. We bonded almost immediately.

Somewhere in those early years, we took notice of the fact that good things always seemed to happen to us on the 25th day of the month. We'd have a lovely meal at a nice restaurant, and notice that it was the 25th. One of us would get good news, and we'd note that it was the 25th. Once we saw a gorgeous rainbow and instinctively knew it had to be the 25th, which it was.

Finding ways to celebrate ordinary things is fun, and can add such spontaneity to life. I always keep my eyes open on the 25th of each month for what's pleasurable to me, and for what goes right. If I'm looking for it, I can always find something positive.

Jeanne and I have carried on a tradition for over 35 years now, so I say it today to you: Happy 25th! Stay aware of something good happening today because good things always happen on the 25th!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Holly said...

What a lovely tradition!! Jan. 25 is good has been good to me as well - it's the day my daughter was born 4 years ago.